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Presser Law, P.A. > Posts tagged "personal injury lawyer altamonte springs"

Florida Drivers May Be Able To Use Hazard Lights in Heavy Rain or Fog

Florida Drivers May be able to use Hazard Lights in Heavy Rain or Fog

For years Florida officials have warned drivers against using their hazard lights while driving in the rain out of concern for safety of other drivers.  Florida officials have issued safety notices, and gone to social media and highway signs imploring drivers not to use their hazard lights.  Some of these dangers include confusing other drivers on the road as to your vehicle’s condition when you use hazard lights.   Despite these attempts, drivers have continued to use their hazards lights when weather conditions are less than desirable.  In periods of heavy downpours or fog, it is not uncommon to see vehicles being...

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Florida’s Comparative Fault Law

court in session for personal injury law case

Florida's Comparative Fault Law Florida is currently a comparative fault state.  However, it has not always been that way.  In 1886, the Florida Supreme Court in Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co. v. Yniestra would hold that Florida was a contributory fault state.  Florida state courts would uniformly follow the Yniestra opinion for the next 87 years.  In 1973, the Florida Supreme Court, in  Hoffman v. Jones, would recede from Yniestra and establish comparative fault as the rule for Florida in negligence cases.  In 1986, the Florida legislature would codify Florida’s comparative fault through Florida Statute § 768.81.   Difference Between Comparative Fault and...

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Pedestrian Accidents in Florida

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer located in Altamonte Springs, Florida

Pedestrian Accidents Result In Serious Injury or Death In a 2015 study, the U.S. Department of Transportation estimated there were almost 70,000 pedestrians injured in motor vehicle crashes in the US and almost 5400 killed from pedestrian accidents. The study revealed an increase in pedestrian fatalities as an overall percentage of pedestrian-involved crashes. This means that, as a percentage, more pedestrians are being killed by motor vehicle crashes today than they have been historically. Florida is known as one of the more dangerous states for pedestrians. A recent analysis revealed the Central Florida metro area from Kissimmee-Orlando-Sanford was near the top of...

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Documenting the Injury Scene

When you are injured in a car accident, it's important to document the injury scene

If you have been injured, it is important to document the scene of your injury and preserve the evidence for later - even if there are eye witnesses. The Imperfection of Eye Witness Testimony While it is true that eyewitness testimony is some of the most impactful at trial, it is also considered one of the most unreliable forms of testimony.  One reason for this, according to a recent peer-reviewed article published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s website (part of the United States National Library of Medicine) is that memory is a reconstructive process.  When a person is asked to recall...

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Facebook and Social Media Discoverability

Facebook and Social Media Discovery with injury lawyer

Facebook has been in the news lately, and not for a good reason.  Facebook made the news after it was learned a third party was able to access and record people’s information.  It seems Facebook, allegedly, failed to take proper precautions to guard against the copying of their users' information.  A lot of people are upset by this and understandably so.  When it comes to social media we post images, updates and comments on our page or to a group of our friends and believe there is some sense of privacy that comes with our account.  When it was revealed that third...

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Understanding Florida’s “Full Coverage” Myth

Injury Law Myths

What Does Full Coverage In Florida Mean? Have you ever heard someone say that they are “fully insured” or have “full coverage” in regards to car insurance?  If you have, chances are the person who said that is not actually “fully insured” at all. In Florida, there are several types of different coverages available to drivers under their car insurance policies.  These coverages include Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Uninsured Motorist and Personal Injury Protection.  Each of these coverages insures something different.  Examples include Bodily Injury Coverage and Uninsured Motorist Coverage.  Bodily Injury Coverage insures an at-fault driver for injuries they cause to...

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