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Knee Pain Patients May Benefit From Stem Cell Therapy

Presser Law, P.A. > Personal Injury  > Knee Pain Patients May Benefit From Stem Cell Therapy
Knee pain with hands on knee.

Stem cells are naturally created cells within your body that can not only renew themselves, but may also have the capability to differentiate (turn into other cells). These cells are inside our body at all times, and live condensed in various tissues, ready to jump into action if we were endure an injury or develop an illness. A stem cell doctor can extract a high number of these cells, and then inject them into areas of the body to aid in healing and regeneration. 

As a knee surgeon in Pottstown, PA from a practice like the Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania can explain, a common condition that many patients have that can benefit from stem cell treatments include chronic knee pain. Those with knee pain that does not relent, may have tried other treatment options with minimal to no success. 

Is stem cell therapy a potential alternative to knee surgery?

Patients suffering from chronic knee pain may be told by their primary physician that they require knee surgery in order to find an alleviation of their symptoms. This is when patients may first look into alternative approaches to knee pain reduction, as there can be risks associated with anesthesia and toxic particles entering the bloodstream, in addition to an intensive rehabilitation journey after surgery. In some cases, the patient may still experience pain after recovering from knee surgery. There is no guarantee that the surgery will provide the results the patient is hoping for. 

Is knee surgery ever an appropriate treatment option?

Surgery may be the obvious solution for some patients, depending on how the injury happened and the degree of pain. But, research has shown that stem cell therapy can aid those with muscle and ligament tears, arthritis, and knee joint pain. It is possible that a patient can avoid having to go through surgery at all, after receiving stem cell therapy treatments. 

What knee injuries can be treated with stem cell therapy?

Perhaps a couple of the most common knee injuries seen in stem cell treatment clinics are patients with meniscus and ACL tears. A conventional doctor may suggest the patient goes through surgery to remove a portion of the knee structure to treat the meniscus tear. With ACL injuries, it is a misconception that this injury cannot heal on its own without surgical intervention. However, those with a partial or complete non-retracted ACL tear may find that stem cell treatments are the preferred option over surgery.

How do I find the right stem cell doctor?

It can be tricky to pick a stem cell doctor if you have never received such a treatment. Just as with any other kind of professional, some medical doctors are inexperienced or are offering the treatment purely out of monetary gain. When consulting with a doctor, inquire about education, experience, success stories, the stem cell process and the doctor’s overall approach to wellness.

A doctor that is genuinely in the practice of stem cell therapy to alleviate the suffering of people will be happy to answer any questions you have about what to expect. Reach out to a knee pain specialist today.