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Wrongful Death Lawyer Deltona, FL

Presser Law, P.A. > Wrongful Death Lawyer Deltona, FL
wrongful death Deltona, FL

Your Wrongful Death Attorney

Realizing that your loved one was taken before their time due to an at fault party can cause immense grief for family members. When the death of someone was due to the negligence, recklessness, or malicious intention of another, it is worth considering filing a wrongful death case. Before you move forward with taking legal action, we suggest speaking with our Deltona, FL wrongful death lawyer for advice. We understand the severity of the situation at hand. We can imagine the anguish you and your family members are going through at this time. Please let our team at Presser Law, P.A. carry the burden of legalities as you focus on your family. We are here to be your support and guide you towards obtaining a sense of justice.

Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death happens when a life is shortened beyond what was naturally expected. The passing must have caused some kind of financial hardship for surviving family members or dependents of the deceased. Wrongful death claims do not aim to punish the offender like criminal charges do. Instead, families are provided with compensation for their losses. Here are four elements that must be present for a FL wrongful death case to have grounds, and these include the following:

  • The defendant was negligent or strictly liable in the victim’s death
  • The death was caused in part or wholly by the defendant
  • There are surviving family members of the deceased
  • There was monetary loss related to the death

If the conditions listed above are net met, then filing a case may not be advised. However, before making any assumptions about whether your situation has the above elements, please contact our team for a case evaluation. In this way, you can at least know what your options are and if you have grounds to proceed forward with legal action. Wrongful death cases are designed to compensate surviving loved ones for the loss that could have been avoided. You and your family may be owed payment for costs related to:

  • Burial and funeral expenses
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of benefits
  • Loss of future income
  • Loss of services offered by deceased
  • Loss of companionship
  • Mental/emotional pain and suffering
  • General damages

Reach Out to Presser Law, P.A. for Your Family’s Wrongful Death Case

If you believe you may have reason to file a Deltona wrongful death case, then we urge you to speak with our team right away. At Presser Law, P.A., we can evaluate what has happened, identify the potential liable parties involved, and then guide you through the process of officially taking legal action. We understand that no amount of money can undo the damage that has been done to your family. Many surviving loved ones find that getting a sense of justice in the matter provides them with some relief in knowing their cherished person did not pass away in vain. We can imagine the pain and anguish you are currently going through. Please know that our team is both strategic and compassionate when handling sensitive cases of this nature. If you would like to have your questions answered, we are ready to speak with you.

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