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Pedestrian Accidents


Los conductores en Florida tienen el deber de operar sus vehículos con el debido cuidado para evitar atropellar a los peatones. Sin embargo, Florida no es ajena a los conductores distraídos o peligrosos. Los conductores distraídos son una seria amenaza para los peatones.


Los accidentes de peatones a menudo resultan en lesiones graves, como huesos rotos o daño cerebral, además de la muerte. En Florida, en 2016, hubo más de 9,000 lesiones en choques con peatones, de los cuales 667 resultaron en la muerte. Eso es más de una persona lesionada o muerta cada hora como peatón.


Las lesiones y muertes de peatones ocurren por una variedad de razones. Algunos de los más comunes incluyen:

  • Conductores distraídos
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Conductores agresivos
  • Conducción bajo influjo de drogas y/o alcohol
  • Cambios de carril inadecuados
  • Enviar mensajes de texto
  • Conducir demasiado rápido para las condiciones de la carretera
  • No mantener la vigilancia adecuada
  • Manejar cansado


Los peatones que han resultado heridos frecuentemente descubren que su mundo ha cambiado en un momento. Junto con las lesiones graves y permanentes, aumentan las facturas médicas y la dolorosa recuperación.


Para un peatón que ha resultado herido, su mundo puede cambiar en un instante. Con lesiones graves y el aumento de las facturas médicas, a menudo puede ser difícil mantenerse al día con todo. ¿Quién es responsable del pago de las facturas médicas? ¿Qué pasa si no puedo trabajar? ¿Cuáles son mis derechos? Estas son solo algunas de las preocupaciones comunes de las víctimas de lesiones. Estamos aquí para ayudar.


En Presser Law, P.A., representamos agresivamente a peatones lesionados como resultado de conductores peligrosos. Luchamos para hacer justicia a nuestros clientes para que puedan concentrarse en lo que más importa: mejorar.


Si resultó lesionado como peatón, comuníquese con Presser Law, P.A. para una EVALUACIÓN DE CASO GRATUITA. Inmediatamente comenzaremos a investigar su caso y responderemos cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.


Visite nuestra página de Blogs para obtener aún más información sobre lesiones de peatones, así como una variedad de otras preguntas frecuentes.


En Presser Law, P.A., luchamos por usted porque las víctimas de lesiones merecen justicia. Le proporcionaremos orientación legal e información sobre su caso y exploraremos cuestiones de culpa, causalidad y daños para que podamos luchar para brindarle la justicia que se merece.


Ubicados en Altamonte Springs, condado de Seminole, manejamos casos en todo Orlando y Florida Central. Sin tarifas ni costos a menos que hagamos una recuperación económica para usted.

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If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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Amy Dayton

I was referred to Justin Presser by my chiropractor. Mr Presser and his staff have been abssolutely amazing at handling my case. Anytime I called or emailed they always responded and would also update me along the way. I highly recommend this law firm. They have been wonderful.


Mr. Justin and Ashleigh provided a very professional service on my case. They were prompt in responding to my inquiries, and the quality of the work on the case of Mr. Justin was outstanding. I would recommend Presser Law to anyone looking to get the job done. Thanks again.


Presser and his team were very easy to work with. The whole process went smooth and I can’t thank them enough for everything. Ashley and Presser always kept me in the loop and was very responsive when I had questions. I would highly recommend Presser Law!

Consulta 100% Gratis

Revisión de caso GRATUITA: no hay tarifas ni costos para usted a menos que hagamos una recuperación.

Pedestrian Accidents


Drivers in Florida have a duty to operate their vehicles with due care to avoid striking pedestrians.  However, Florida is no stranger to distracted or dangerous drivers.  Distracted drivers are a serious threat to pedestrians.


Pedestrian accidents often result in serious injury, such as broken bones or brain damage, as well death.  In Florida for 2016, there were over 9,000 injuries to pedestrian-involved crashes – with 667 resulting in death.  That is more than one person injured or killed every hour as a pedestrian.


Pedestrian injuries and deaths occur for a variety of reasons.  Some of the more common ones include:

  • Distracted drivers
  • Speeders
  • Aggressive drivers
  • DUI
  • Improper lane changes
  • Texting
  • Driving too fast for road conditions
  • Failing to keep proper lookout
  • Failing to yield

Pedestrians who have been injured frequently find their world has changed in a moment.  Along with serious and permanent injury are increasing medical bills and painful recovery.


For a pedestrian who has been injured, their world can change in an instant. With serious injury and increasing medical bills, it can often be difficult to keep up with everything.  Who is responsible for the payment of medical bills?  What happens if I cannot work?  What are my rights?  These are just some of the common concerns of injury victims.  We are here to help.


At Presser Law, P.A., we aggressively represent pedestrians injured as a result of dangerous drivers.  We fight to bring our clients justice so they can focus on what matters most – getting better.


If you have been injured as a pedestrian, contact Presser Law, P.A. for a FREE CASE EVALUATION.  We will immediately start to investigate your case and answer any questions you may have.


Visit our Blogs page for even more information on pedestrian injuries as well as a variety of other commonly asked questions.


At Presser Law, P.A., we fight for you because justice is what injury victims deserve.  We will provide you with legal guidance and insight about your case and explore issues of fault, causation and damages so that we can fight to bring you the justice you deserve.


Located in Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, we handle cases throughout Orlando and Central Florida.  No fees or costs unless we make a recovery for you.

Client Testimonials

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If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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