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Car Accident Attorney


Ubicado en Altamonte Springs, Justin Presser es un abogado de accidentes de carro que se especializa en representar a víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos que han resultado lesionadas por conductores descuidados. Ha luchado incansablemente por miles de residentes de Florida Central, contando sus historias y consiguiendo la justicia y la compensación financiera que merecen. Presser Law, Pensilvania representa a víctimas de lesiones, así como a familias que han perdido a seres queridos en Florida Central, incluidos Orlando, Lake Mary, Ocoee, Deltona, Kissimmee y Oviedo.


Cuando contrata a Justin Presser como su abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Altamonte Springs, no solo obtiene un representante agresivo para luchar por sus derechos. También estás consiguiendo un aliado, alguien que esté a tu lado y te apoye mientras recoges las piezas de tu vida. Las lesiones por accidentes automovilísticos dejan a las víctimas con dolor y sufrimiento, estrés financiero y devastación emocional. Nuestro equipo entiende esto y estamos aquí para ayudarlo a aliviar su carga y obtener la compensación que merece.


La ley de Florida permite que las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos sean compensadas por los daños a su vehículo, así como por las pérdidas económicas y no económicas. Las pérdidas económicas pueden incluir salarios perdidos, deudas médicas y otros costos incurridos debido a su lesión por accidente automovilístico. Las pérdidas no económicas pueden incluir dolor y sufrimiento, desfiguración, angustia mental, inconvenientes o pérdida del disfrute de la vida.


Si resultó lesionado en un accidente automovilístico causado por la falta de atención del conductor, distracción, exceso de velocidad, consumo de drogas y/o alcohol por parte del conductor o conducción insegura por las condiciones de la carretera, tiene un caso.


Nuestro personal en Presser Law hará todo lo necesario para garantizar que reciba una compensación completa y justa por sus lesiones.




Con más de doce años de experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos, lesiones personales y muerte por negligencia, Justin Presser abrió su práctica legal en Altamonte Springs después de trabajar en una gran firma de abogados de lesiones en Florida. Su propósito era simple: proporcionar a las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos, lesiones y muerte por negligencia de la Florida Central la misma representación agresiva que ofrecen las grandes firmas de abogados, pero con un servicio más personalizado y comunicación directa.


En Presser Law, entendemos que las preguntas o problemas sobre su caso pueden ocurrir fuera del horario laboral normal. El abogado Justin Presser se compromete a abordar las preguntas e inquietudes de sus clientes, incluso después de las 5:00 p. m., cuando otros bufetes de abogados dejan de trabajar. Cada uno de nuestros clientes recibe el número de teléfono celular personal del abogado Justin Presser para que puedan comunicarse con él con cualquier pregunta o inquietud que tengan, cuando sea conveniente para ellos.


En Presser Law, P.A., contamos su historia y luchamos por la justicia. Lo más importante es que luchamos por usted.



Is it worth getting a lawyer for a car accident?

Yes. It’s always a good idea to hire a skilled car accident attorney following an accident. When insurance company representatives call you to solicit information, they may seem like they’re on your side, but in reality, they’re gathering evidence from you in order to minimize the amount of compensation they pay for your injuries. When you hire a car accident lawyer, they deal with the insurance companies on your behalf.


When should you hire a lawyer after a car accident?

As soon as possible. Evidence disappears over time so the longer you wait, the more likely it is some of the evidence may no longer be available. In addition, you can expect insurance companies to start calling shortly after a car accident to obtain information from you to potentially hurt your case. It’s best to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Remember, the at-fault party who caused your injury has their insurance company on their side – who will fight for your best interests?


How do car accident attorneys get paid?

Many car accident victims don’t seek legal representation because they don’t think they can afford an attorney. Presser Law does not charge any upfront costs or hourly fees to work on your case. Instead, we only get paid if we win your case.


How do I find the best car accident attorney near me?

If you’re a victim of a car accident, you need to look for a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Do your due diligence to make sure that the injury lawyers you are vetting have experience handling your type of case and that there are no hidden fees. Look for a car accident attorney near you in order to easily and more quickly put the pieces of your life back together after a car accident.

Get a Free Case Review

If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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Amy Dayton

I was referred to Justin Presser by my chiropractor. Mr Presser and his staff have been abssolutely amazing at handling my case. Anytime I called or emailed they always responded and would also update me along the way. I highly recommend this law firm. They have been wonderful.


Mr. Justin and Ashleigh provided a very professional service on my case. They were prompt in responding to my inquiries, and the quality of the work on the case of Mr. Justin was outstanding. I would recommend Presser Law to anyone looking to get the job done. Thanks again.


Presser and his team were very easy to work with. The whole process went smooth and I can’t thank them enough for everything. Ashley and Presser always kept me in the loop and was very responsive when I had questions. I would highly recommend Presser Law!

Consulta 100% Gratis

Revisión de caso GRATUITA: no hay tarifas ni costos para usted a menos que hagamos una recuperación.

Car Accident Attorney


Located in Altamonte Springs, Justin Presser is a car accident attorney who specializes in representing car accident victims who have been injured by careless drivers. He has fought tirelessly for thousands of Central Florida residents, telling their stories and getting them the justice and financial compensation they deserve. Presser Law, P.A. represents injury victims as well as families who have lost loved ones throughout Central Florida, including, OrlandoLake MaryOcoeeDeltona, Kissimmee, and Oviedo.


When you hire Justin Presser as your car accident lawyer in Altamonte Springs, you’re not just getting an aggressive representative to fight for your rights. You’re also getting an ally—someone to stand by your side and support you as you pick up the pieces of your life. Car accident injuries leave victims with pain and suffering, financial stress, and emotional devastation. Our team understands this and we’re here to help ease your burden and get you the compensation you deserve.


Florida law allows victims of car accidents to be compensated for the damage to their vehicle as well as both economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses can include lost wages, medical debt, and other costs incurred because of your car accident injury. Non-economic losses can include pain and suffering, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, or loss of enjoyment of life.


Whether you were injured in a car accident caused by driver inattentiveness, distraction, speeding, DUI, or unsafe driving for road conditions, you have recourse. Our staff at Presser Law will do everything it takes to ensure that you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries.



With over twelve years experience in car accidents, personal injury, and wrongful death law, Justin Presser opened his law practice in Altamonte Springs after working in a large injury law firm in Florida. His purpose was simple: to provide Central Florida car accident, injury and wrongful death victims with the same aggressive representation offered by big law firms, but with more personalized service and direct communication.


At Presser Law, we understand that questions or issues about your case may occur outside normal working hours. Attorney Justin Presser is committed to addressing his clients questions and concerns – even after 5:00 pm when other law firms stop working. Each of our clients are provided Attorney Justin Presser’s personal cell phone number so they can reach him with whatever questions or concerns they have – whenever it is convenient for them.


At Presser Law, P.A., we tell your story and we fight for justice. Most importantly, we fight for you.



Is it worth getting a lawyer for a car accident?

Yes. It’s always a good idea to hire a skilled car accident attorney following an accident. When insurance company representatives call you to solicit information, they may seem like they’re on your side, but in reality, they’re gathering evidence from you in order to minimize the amount of compensation they pay for your injuries. When you hire a car accident lawyer, they deal with the insurance companies on your behalf.


When should you hire a lawyer after a car accident?

As soon as possible. Evidence disappears over time so the longer you wait, the more likely it is some of the evidence may no longer be available. In addition, you can expect insurance companies to start calling shortly after a car accident to obtain information from you to potentially hurt your case. It’s best to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Remember, the at-fault party who caused your injury has their insurance company on their side – who will fight for your best interests?


How do car accident attorneys get paid?

Many car accident victims don’t seek legal representation because they don’t think they can afford an attorney. Presser Law does not charge any upfront costs or hourly fees to work on your case. Instead, we only get paid if we win your case.


How do I find the best car accident attorney near me?

If you’re a victim of a car accident, you need to look for a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Do your due diligence to make sure that the injury lawyers you are vetting have experience handling your type of case and that there are no hidden fees. Look for a car accident attorney near you in order to easily and more quickly put the pieces of your life back together after a car accident.

Client Testimonials

Get a Free Case Review

If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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